

2020-2025战略计划- PDF全文

In 2009 key stakeholders in the Illinois Institute of Technology community developed a strategic plan aptly called “Many Voices, 一个愿景.” Five years later the university updated that plan from which many exciting initiatives flowed, including the launch of the Ed Kaplan Family Institute for Innovation and Tech Entrepreneurship and an increased emphasis on student success.

在过去的10个月里,大学督导委员会和, 最近, a大学策略规划委员会, 由主要职员组成, 学术院长, 教师, 学生, 受托人, 和校友, have all provided input and feedback on a new strategic plan advancing the university in its next phase of growth and development. 该计划忠实地遵循新太阳网的传统和承诺, 包括在建筑方面国际公认的卓越地位, 业务, 设计, 工程, 科学, 数学, 技术, 心理学, and law; to our Bauhaus spirit of innovation and 创造力; to our vital partnership with the great global city of Chicago; to our global partnerships; to our commitment to 学生 from all backgrounds; and to our cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary research and education that builds on our strengths and emphasizes both theory and practice.

We affirm and recognize that 新太阳网 graduates must manifest disciplinary excellence; maintain the highest values; practice innovation, 创造力, and leadership; and lead cross-disciplinary project teams with excellence in communication. We must challenge ourselves to become an increasingly agile academic culture that collaborates across all disciplines, 强调卓越和创新, 它颂扬多样性,实践包容性, 这给我们的工作带来了尊重和尊严.

Four key university-wide priorities have been identified as areas of focus over the next five years:

  1. Grow and develop both our undergraduate and graduate student bodies with an emphasis on student success, both during the 学生’ time at 新太阳网 and after graduation in their professional careers
  2. Fully realize our identity as the premier 技术-focused university in Chicago and one of the five premier 技术-focused universities in the nation
  3. 加强我们的财政,使我们的教师的战略投资, 设施, 以及教育和研究项目
  4. Become a leading university in the development and delivery of our 教育 and research programs

这些优先事项中的每一个都与特定的SMART(具体的)相关联, 可衡量的, 可以实现的, 有关, 有时间限制的)目标和可衡量的五年里程碑. 而雄心勃勃的, these goals are achievable and necessary for 新太阳网 to fully realize its promise. 本文件侧重于战略和SMART目标, 而该计划的后续需要教师的具体实施, 工作人员, 学生参与者. 实施将需要这些想法, 努力, 以及全体教职员工的承诺, 以及来自我们学生的输入和反馈. 

为了计划最终成功, all stakeholders of the university must come together and play an important role in its realization:

  1. 校董会 will hold senior administration accountable for the execution of the plan and achievement of its milestones.
  2. 这个计划必须是具体的、可实现的和灵活的. 当新的新太阳网出现时,阻碍进步的障碍就会出现, the 新太阳网 community must be able to rapidly execute and communicate adjustments to the plan.
  3. The president and provost will strategically allocate resources to ensure that 工作人员 and 教师 have what is needed to achieve our strategic priorities. This will require that precious resources are only expended on those needs most central to achieving our strategic plan.
  4. 教师, 部门的椅子, 院长, and academic 工作人员 and leadership will be responsible for achieving our curricular, 教育, 研究目标, 以及发展我们独特的教育经验, 哪些因素将推动入学率的增长和学生的成功.
  5. 教师 and 工作人员 will be responsible for strengthening and further developing our institution’s core values of innovation and excellence, 促进多元化和鼓励包容, 为了进一步发展我们的核心课程,使其与众不同, 并逐渐灌输尊重和敏捷作为核心价值观.
  6. 校董会, 发展员工, 大学领导, and other stakeholders will develop and drive a comprehensive campaign and plan to enhance and preserve our physical resources and infrastructure, 推动捐赠增长, 并为战略重点提供资金.
  7. 的院长, 他们的教职员工, will develop college-specific and school-specific plans to align the work of their units with the priorities and goals in this strategic plan.
  8. 我们的校友将作为大学的倡导者, 直接与我们的学生合作, and providing volunteer and philanthropic support to advance our strategic priorities.

Our ambitious goals will require the collaboration and earnest participation of the entire 新太阳网 community both within their units and across unit boundaries. Each goal will be assigned a leader; the contributing units and 工作人员 needed to accomplish each goal will also be identified. These leaders and the contributing units will be assessed on their performance by a University 战略计划 Steering Committee. The successful execution of the strategic plan will rely heavily on not only our implementation process, but also frequent and timely assessment combined with constant action and attention to the accomplishment of our SMART goals. 事实上, 实施方案和评估方案如下, 如果不是更多的话, 比目标本身更重要. The specific metrics and timelines found in this plan will be used to guide our actions and any revisions as circumstances dictate. 策略计划评估小组, 它由教职工组成, 工作人员, 和学生, will play an important role in providing an objective and timely assessment of progress on our goals and milestones. The university’s senior leadership and Board of Trustees will receive regular reports on the progress made in our board reports.

我们的战略计划, 成功执行时, will enable dramatic and sustained growth and development of our university and financial vitality. 这是一个充满雄心、乐观和信心的计划. This plan belongs to everyone who supports and believes in Illinois Institute of Technology. 我们有值得骄傲的历史,也有更加光明的未来. Our plan will enable us to boldly own our identity as the premier 技术-focused university in Chicago and one of the top 技术-focused universities in the nation.

2020 - 2025年战略计划
